The Hermit

The Hermit  The Hermit The Hermit
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The Hermit card shows a **need to step back**, meditate, and think things over. When life gets busy with new experiences or lots of socializing, it’s crucial to **take a break**. This card gives you time to **connect with yourself**. But be careful! Make sure your retreat isn’t just **escaping**. Use this time for **real self-reflection**, not just hiding from problems.

The Hermit MeaningThe Hermit Meaning  The Hermit The Hermit

That card could be a great best course of action for all of us, and as I dug a little deeper into it, it just resonated with me, so I’d like to share these thoughts with you. The Hermit is a beautiful card, and we’ve all been called upon to tap into the strength and vision of the Hermit.

The Hermit, aside from being someone who lives in solitude, is someone who leads by example, and I believe every one of us is being called on to do just that. Find a way to be comfortable on each hilltop, tap into your wisdom, and lead for ourselves and others, knowing that we can be solitary but not lonely and that there is wisdom and grace in all of us. At this moment that is calling on all of us to stand tall, stand-alone, and do the right thing.

The Hermit ReversedThe Hermit Reversed  The Hermit The Hermit 1 e1649774372299

The Hermit Reversed could imply that you’ve already spent a lot of time reflecting on your own thoughts and feelings. The Reversed Hermit suggests that you’re taking this notion of solitude and isolation far too seriously.

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