Check out our Doctor Who tarot selection for the very best in unique or custom Tarot — Doctor Tarot — Major Arcana — Tarot — Tarot Deck — Net Worth. Ad by TheCraftyDragonus ad from store The CraftyDragonus The CraftyDragonus From shop TheCraftyDragonus. The tenth Doctor was pretty busy with romance, which is why Rose and Ten portray the lovers.
The hermit represents solitude and meditation and withdraws from the demands of your position, reflecting the isolation of the Eleventh Doctor during snowmen. The image of a tower with a person falling out of it is also nicely recreated when the fourth doctor falls off the telescope. You’ll likely find that many customers come to you with medical concerns. So learning how to read these cards can help customers with all sorts of medical issues. This is another map where I emulated the traditional design, with the Wheel of Life (in this case regeneration) around the Watcher.
With Mars as the ruling planet, the tower is a map of war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning of truth. Whether you tell them to take care of their physical ailments or emotional issues, the cards you draw can help them point in the right direction, and they’re very easy to read once you’ve learned a few basics about them. When you draw this card, clients must look at both traditional and newer approaches to their medical issues. You should stay away from unconfirmed advice or alternative doctors and stick to traditional medicine regardless of the problem.
The card usually asks the client to trust the doctors as they are the experts in health. I recently worked on a tarot card game where each card represents a different incarnation or aspect of the Doctor. Each card must be considered as part of the spread and taken along with what the client has told you about the situation. The moon can be interpreted as a feeling of uncertainty, where the past is still haunted, unsure of a journey, but still continues, feels watched, and because it is often associated with dreams, fantasies and mysteries, this map can also be associated with surreal feelings and situations in your Life in waking is interpreted.
When it comes to cards that depict a doctor or health issue, you should know that there are a few of them. Often a customer comes to you with a health issue that needs to be resolved, and when you hand over certain cards, you can give them an accurate and truthful answer. If you draw this card, the client should be self-feeding and taking better care of themselves both physically and psychologically. Ad by Dave The EagleCards Ad from the store Dave The EagleCards Dave The Eagle Cards From shop Dave The Eagle Cards.