Cosmic Tarot Review (All 78 Cards Revealed)

cosmic-tarot-review  Cosmic Tarot Review (All 78 Cards Revealed) cosmic tarot review
4.4/5 - (9 votes)

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The Cosmic Tarot, a magical New Age deck that consists of 78 cards based on the Golden Dawn system, is preferred. The cards’ ink illustrations are colored in pastel and have the eighties feel.

FX Schmidt published the first edition of The Cosmic Tarot in 1986. AGMuller released the version that I am currently examining. Norbert Losche was the deck’s creator and also its highlighter. Although it is not yet released by AGMuller, the deck has been distributed by United States Games in boxes that reveal their copyright. Version I am reviewing was published in Belgium.


Cards are printed on a strong, but flexible card supply and have a light laminate. They measure 7 cm x 12 cm, which is the same size as most tarot decks. They shuffle beautifully. The cards’ rears have a white border and reveal a complex layout that is difficult to fix. The back layout shows a celebrity-filled sky in history, with a 5-inch tall celebrity in the front. The card ends with a black sundial and a gold sunshine climbing. This is a very elaborate style that features a lot of black as well as deep blue colours.

The white border lines the face of each card. Each card has its titles at the end. FX Schmidt released early decks with hand-written titles. However, more recent versions use a standard typeface.

These cards have amazing art. This is one of those cards where online scans underestimate the quality of the art work. The title card explains that Norbert Losche, a self-taught musician, is the one. The strategy used to create the cards was pen and ink. They are richly illustrated and also have a lot of significance. It is a wonderful illustration of numbers and the use of colour is quite impressive. The match of wands has a dominant colour of pink and yellow. However, the cups match is blue-friendly. Other matches and trumps can be more diverse.

These 4 matches are called Wands, Cups Swords, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Titles for the Major Arcana are based on various contemporary standard decks, such as the Waite-Smith. This deck has Justice at number 8, and Strength at number 11, just like the Thoth deck or other historic decks. The Court cards are called King, Queen and Prince. Wands can be related to fire or air. Although the deck doesn’t include a buddy publication, there are two publications about this deck that can be purchased separately.

The Cosmic Tarot, a magical New Age deck that consists of 78 cards based on the Golden Dawn system, is preferred. The cards’ ink illustrations are colored in pastel and have the eighties feel.

FX Schmidt published the first edition of The Cosmic Tarot in 1986. AGMuller released the version that I am currently examining. Norbert Losche was the deck’s creator and also its highlighter. Although it is not yet released by AGMuller, the deck has been distributed by United States Games in boxes that reveal their copyright. Version I am reviewing was published in Belgium.

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About the Author:

Hi - Im Orica, Welcome to our website tarotfans - where we strive to show all the individual cards from each tarot deck. As a tarot reader myself, Ive always wanted to be able to quickly see all the card artworks, to make a tarot deck purchasing decision! We hope you'll find this site helpful!