The Nine of Wands shows your **hard work** paying off, creating deep-seated dreams. Your earliest goals and ideas have taken root and grown strong. Now, you’re almost at the finish line, so it’s smart to **get ready** to stand your ground. This way, you can **push ahead** without any problems and reach your ultimate goal.
9 of Wands Meaning
The Nine of Wands represents hanging in there and feeling a little beaten up after a long process; it represents someone who has faced many obstacles but persists; it represents someone who has been beaten up a little bit in the pursuit of their goals but is still working hard. It represents someone who has been beaten up a little bit in the pursuit of their goals but is still working hard. It represents someone who has been beaten up a little bit in the pursuit of their goals but is still working hard.
There could be a number of complicated issues at work in this scenario. Even if you’re fatigued, the best course of action with the Nine of Wands is to stay in there and keep battling for what you desire. Even if you feel dejected, don’t give up.
This could simply be a signal to press on until reinforcements come. This also necessitates awareness of your environment and the forces at work.
It might be time to lower your guard and stop fighting so hard right now. Before regrouping to push through to the conclusion, take some time to recover from recent chores or undertakings.
Examine whether the stance you’ve been clinging to is genuinely benefitting you, and whether the scenario is winnable in the first place.
9 of Wands Reversed
When the Nine of Wands is reversed, it indicates that you are having difficulty continuing to strive for your goal. The obstacles in your way are never-ending, pelting you with setback after setback.
You’re not sure if you can handle it any longer and may be ready to give up. Just know that you’re on the verge of finishing this task.
To keep going, tap into your internal resources: resilience, inner bravery, positive self-talk, and mindset. You have what it takes to convert this difficult circumstance into a huge success (and to help others facing similar hurdles). Continue to fight – you’ve got this!