6 of Cups

6 of Cups  6 of Cups 6 of Cups
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The Six of Cups talks about how the past shapes today. It might mean a reunion, helping you think about what’s happening now. Looking back can guide you ahead, but be careful. Nostalgia is strong, yet you shouldn’t dwell there. The big takeaway is to use past lessons to understand the present.

6 of Cups Meaning6 of Cups  6 of Cups 6 of Cups

The Six of Cups is a symbol of fulfilling personal connections. Friendships that are fulfilling teacher-student connection that is fulfilling. It can be healing after a disappointment to give and receive real affection, to be content with where you’re at, to be happy with yourself and others, and to be emotionally generous.

This might connote happy memories from the past, as well as an idealized interpretation or vision of a prior relationship or experience. Others think this is the best thing they’ve ever done. It’s a loving reciprocal relationship or friendship, but probably not romantic in nature.

It’s time to enjoy the young people in your life or the young at heart. The best course of action for the Six of Cups upright is to love your friends, enjoy the teachers and students around you, and enjoy simple pleasures.

This is reminiscing about the past. beautiful memories of others’ best selves giving the gift of your love friendship expertise or time you might also wish to reminisce with family and friends and just think on all of the good times and excellent experiences you’ve had together.

6 of Cups Reversed6 of Cups Reversed  6 of Cups 6 of Cups 1 e1649685372742

When this card is reversed in this position, it can represent being disappointed by someone else, being disappointed by a friend, or having an unsatisfactory or tough teacher-student relationship. This could indicate someone or you being troubled by memories from the past or not seeing things clearly.

It could also indicate someone who is clinging to the past and refusing to move forward into the present. This could be someone withholding love or forgiveness, or someone holding a grudge for past slights.

It could simply be a poor grade. Frustrations at home or at school can occur, and this can imply holding on to unpleasant feelings, carrying a grudge, or being dishonest by telling small lies or having emotional bumps and bruises.

With The Six of Cups reversed, the best course of action is to first forgive another for a slight or a hurt you may still need to heal a little bit. This might also be calling for you to withdraw from an unsatisfying relationship oh there’s may not see it as unsatisfying but you are not getting what you need from it.

This also calls for you to see things as they are not how you wish they were get practical stop daydreaming or living in the past don’t coddle yourself.


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